Friday, August 6, 2010

Cause Diagnosis and Treatment of Aspergers Syndrome

There is no known cause for Asperger's Syndrome but experts and researchers are still studying the syndrome. There may be multiple causes, but more studies are needed in order to determine what they may be. It may turn out that Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is associated with other mental disorders like depression and bipolar disorder, or there may be environmental factors that effected the development of the brain, which may be found to have an impact in the development of Asperger's Syndrome. It has been determined that AS has not been caused by emotional deprivation. AS is not the result of bad parenting. Asperger's Syndrome is a neurobiological disorder.

As of this date, there is no known cure for Asperger's Syndrome, but there are effective treatments and medications that can be used to intervene and redirect behavior so that the individual can function better in social situations. Education is paramount to early intervention and understanding when coping with someone with AS. It is important to educate parents and teachers and other adults who come into contact with children and adults with AS so that their behaviors can be understood and modified with help from treatment and therapy. Individuals receiving this assistance can lead functioning lives.

Asperger's Syndrome is difficult to diagnose and many children have been misdiagnosed before receiving the diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome.

A specialist in psychosocial evaluation usually performs an evaluation. A history of symptoms is usually taken, and the child's development of motor skills and language skills as well as personality and behavior patterns are observed. The child's social development is assessed as well as communication skills and social interaction.

Asperger's Syndrome is treated using behavior interventions, psychotherapy, education of parents and other adults in contact with the child, and medications. Specialized educational interventions are necessary as well as social training, and language therapy. Sensory integration training is necessary for young children in which occupational therapist help to desensitize the child to stimuli such as light, sound and touch. Older children undergo psychotherapy or behavioral/cognitive therapy. Medications may also be used as part of the treatment plan. There should be a team aspect involving all of the caregivers medical and otherwise of the child including doctors, teachers, babysitters, friends, other family members and parents. Getting help early is key to being able to help the child to cope with the signs and symptoms of AS.

Children with AS respond to self-help programs and programs that address the areas of deficiency such as curriculum or programs that address the particular needs of the child.

Families with children with AS need support for emotional and physical needs.

The key to success is through education and early intervention.

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