Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hans Asperger and the Syndrome Named After Him

Who was Hans Asperger? His name is famous since one of the autism spectrum disorders is named after him, but what else does history teach about this great physician? Perhaps the quickest facts that sum up his life deal with his lifetime spent in Vienna where he worked as a pediatric physician at the University Children’s Hospital.

Considered a pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome – as it relates to the umbrella of disorders under which it falls, autism – was officially defined in 1944. Dr. Asperger worked with four test subjects who exhibited similar symptomatic psychopathic behavior. He notated that they had an apparent unwillingness to interact with others and actually befriend peers, suffered from an insufficient ability to empathize with others, tended to be clumsier than other children their age, yet excelled academically in subjects that captured their interest.

He was known to refer to them repeatedly as his little professors. What sets apart Hans Asperger from contemporary physicians dealing with autism is his optimism. While his professional peers had only the direst outlooks for those individuals diagnosed in childhood with the condition, Dr. Asperger considered them uniquely able to put their special interest or talent to good use.

As other physicians sought to recommend institutionalization to parents who were unable to deal with children so different from their peers, Dr. Asperger opened the very first school for autistic children. Sadly, his early efforts were lost when the school and much of his written research burned during a bombing raid toward the end of Word War II.

Some suggest that the hospital was to help children who might have exhibited the same latent form of the disease which researchers now believe may have plagued him as a child. Although highly functioning, he might very well measure on the autism scale himself, based on some early records that describe him as a withdrawn child with an early penchant for language.

Success of his theories and recognition of his findings occurred posthumously in 1981 when his writings were translated and served another researcher to take on Leo Kanner and his rather negative slant on autism and the outlooks for individuals suffering from any form of the disorder. A scant 10 years later his works exploded on the North American medical scene and since then he is one of the most revered autism disorder researchers recognized by families of sufferers and physicians alike, even naming a form of the disorder after him.

Now internationally recognized as denoting a highly functioning form of autism, Asperger’s Syndrome is a diagnosis that sets a child on the path to getting the highly specialized help required so as to enable her or him to lead a full and happy life. It is known that one of Dr. Asperger’s patients went on to correct a mistake made in Newton’s calculations of astronomy, while another won a Nobel Prize in literature. The differences he made in these lives when the individuals were still children are most likely contributory to their later adult success.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dealing with Asperger Syndrome

Asperger Syndrome is a relatively mild form of autism that effects people in different ways than regular autism. Because it usually does not affect language, many people with Asperger Syndrome go undiagnosed. This is the one form of autism that is usually not caught at an early age and is instead a disorder that develops later in life. Asperger Syndrome, however, can be a very difficult condition to have, so as soon as you suspect yourself or your child of having communication and social behavior problems, see your family doctor.

Many famous and successful people were diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Historians even suggest that Einstein and Mozart each suffered from this disorder. It is important to note that no form of autism is a form of mental retardation. In fact, most people with Asperger Syndrome are very intelligent. Asperger Syndrome does not dictate mental ability, but rather makes it difficult for people to communicate in social settings, much in the same way a typical autistic child has trouble with behavior in groups. When this disorder goes undiagnosed, children do not get the help they need, leading to problems in school such as bullying. Most children are relieved to find out they have Asperger Syndrome instead of just thinking they are less of a person. By getting diagnosed, not only can you or your child put a name to the problems, but it is then also possible to get treated to improve your overall situation.

Some symptoms to watch out for if you suspect Asperger Syndrome are some of the same symptoms that people with full-blown autism experience. This includes social confusion, first and foremost. Many people with Asperger Syndrome find it very difficult to deal with transition or change, wanting everything to stay the same. A quickly changing environment is especially confusing. People with Asperger Syndrome also may say rude or inappropriate things when they don't mean to do so, and may not be able to understand others' thought processes. Another common trait they share with autistic individuals is fixation, although people with Asperger Syndrome usually have more control over their fixations, which take the form of highly focused interests. If you suspect yourself or a loved one of this disorder, these are just a few of the signs for which you should be watching. You doctor should be able to answer further questions and provide both reading material and treatment for this disorder.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Facing the Facts of Asperger's Syndrome

Whether you are a parent of a young child only recently diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, or the parent of a child who seems to be struggling with the symptoms of the condition on a daily basis, facing the facts of Asperger’s Syndrome is a crucial exercise for anyone who is a caretaker to an individual affected with the condition. It does not matter how the person is, how long they have lived with the diagnosis, and what the strength of the symptoms might be, the fact that this is an incurable condition that some consider a disability while others simply find it a matter of being differently able does mot make life with it any easier.

Making matters worse for the caregiver are the many misconceptions about the condition which of course cause some people you and your child will interact with to act in wholly inappropriate ways. Much like some people will speak slowly and pedantically to someone who speaks a foreign language, they also adopt annoying and downright offensive mannerism when interacting with a child diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. Facing the facts of the condition will help you clear up some commonly held misconceptions and also enable you to hang on to your cool, should you begin to take a lot of offense at what you and your child are enduring.

Perhaps the most important fact about Asperger’s Syndrome is the lack of mental retardation. It is uncertain where this misconception comes from, but a good many people assume that the condition is synonymous with a lowered IQ, which simply is not medically accurate. Granted, children with Asperger’s Syndrome do show a shorter attention span and find may have a harder time concentrating in the classroom, but they also have the power to learn vast amounts of information by rote and often have a much larger vocabulary than their peers.

Another fact that needs to be drilled into a good many people is the notion that someone suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome is not normally reclusive but more or less resorts to this kind of behavior as a coping mechanism to escape taunts and bullying. Too often it is assumed that leaving the child alone is the best course of action, when dealing with the bully is instead the better way of handling the problem. Children with Asperger’s Syndrome are just as eager to have a vibrant social life as those considered “normal” but because of the social backlash they experience when their symptoms expose their condition, this is sometimes not as easy.

When caregivers and parents face the facts head on, are willing to advocate for their kids in the school setting and in any other setting, and also find ways of educating teachers, family members, and parents of peers, the effect is stunning. A little bit of education goes a long way and soon the inappropriate reactions to the child’s Asperger’s Syndrome go by the wayside. Since you have nothing to lose but everything to gain, you will be wise to implement an aggressive education program that makes it possible for your child to have meaningful interactions with others.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Range of disability with aspergers

Aspergers syndrome is considered to be one of the disabilities included in the autism spectrum disorders or personality pervasive disorders. Often times it is classified as a high functioning form of autism because these sufferers will have normal or above average intelligence and normal language development.

Individuals who suffer from aspergers syndrome will have more difficulty with communicating with others and have a triad of symptoms that include poor social imagination, poor social interaction and poor social communication. In many cases they are on able to maintain eye contact and do not read and react to social cues that most of us do almost subconsciously.

Some question as to whether or not aspergers syndrome is truly a disability but should rather be termed a difference in ability. The fact is, a great number of individuals who suffer from the symptoms also have special abilities that can't be ignored. These abilities often fall in the realm of math or music. This should not be confused with the individual who has autism, but a highly developed skill or talent and considered a savant.

The difference lies in the individuals language developments and intelligence level. Individuals with aspergers can have a chance to become very productive functioning people in society if the right steps are taken to help them develop strategies and coping mechanisms to attempt to overcome their symptoms.

The symptoms and condition of aspergers syndrome has no known cure. At this time researchers believe that it is the result of a neurological deficit in the brain which manifests itself as a difficulty in social interactions. Because the functioning and structure of the brain can not be changed individuals must learn to develop coping strategies that will help them interact with society and decrease their frustration level.

The range of abilities and disabilities of individuals who have aspergers syndrome is very wide. There are some who have the same behavioral issues that face those who have autism while others appear to be quite at ease in social situations and exhibited only some mild obsessive-compulsive disorders or ritualistic behavior.

Frustration sets in for both the individual and their family members when the sufferer may refuse to seek any kind of help because of a lack of being able to see the future and have any hope for the future.

A diagnosis of aspergers syndrome and childhood often occurs after the age of three while autism is usually diagnosed prior to the age of three. There is no guarantee of the future for those who suffer the symptoms of aspergers syndrome but it has been found that individual counseling to help people develop coping strategies and family counseling to help family members cope with behaviors that are not intentional is the best answer to increase the ability of an individual to function in society.

Family members and parents often have questions of what the future will hold for their child and sibling after the diagnosis of aspergers syndrome. Unfortunately, physicians and psychologists are on able to give an accurate picture of what the future will look like because of the wide range of disability that an individual may experience throughout their lifetime. All that can be assured is that their family member can now receive care and treatment that was not available prior to 1994 when the diagnosis was first and third into the DSM-IV. Although it is a small consolation research continues to delve into causes and treatments that can help those individuals who have aspergers syndrome or high functioning autism.

Friday, March 2, 2012

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky gut syndrome in conjunction with autism is still being researched; a number of studies and research are under way to better understand how the syndrome starts, why it can be prevalent in autistic children, and how to treat it. Simply, leaky guy syndrome is the inability of the intestinal wall to keep out large, unwanted molecules. This symptom of autism most often signifies that the intestinal wall has been altered to become permeable. Leaky gut syndrome in autistic children may occur because of increased sensitivity or allergies.

Leaky gut syndrome is problematic for one's health because it allows molecules and substances (such as proteins) that are normally filtered out of the intestinal tract into the intestines. Because these molecules are not usually allowed inside the gut, the body misinterprets these non-harmful substances as a virus or infection and begins to produce antibodies to attack them. In turn, this creates a process where one's body recognizes certain foods, as well as any of the body's regular molecules that are similar to these foods, as harmful, causing an auto-immune disease where the body attacks itself. These are merely two possible outcomes with leaky gut syndrome. Others include the transportation of bacteria normally found within the intestinal tract to move into the bloodstream and cause an infection anywhere in the body as well as a weakening of the liver, which causes more toxins to circulate throughout the body, leading to a number of medical problems.

What can cause leaky gut syndrome? Researchers are still working to more fully understand the causes, but current medical diagnoses suggest that a diet high in alcohol and caffeine intake, certain drugs like ibuprofen and antacids, or a diet high in carbohydrates can decrease the thickness of the intestinal wall as well as other possible reasons. These are just a few possible reasons, and ways to treat leaky gut syndrome are just as uncertain as the reasons. Because of the sensitivity of the digestive system with leaky gut syndrome, many parents of autistic children find that putting their child on gluten- and casein-free diets can help. Both gluten and casein are proteins, and a diet with these proteins may irritate and inflame a leaky gut syndrome - though at the moment, researchers are still studying this. You may also treat leaky gut syndrome by avoiding alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, or spicy foods - all of which can cause irritation in the intestines.

Understanding leaky gut syndrome is an ongoing process, for parents with autistic children, doctors, and researchers, but this does not mean that there is nothing you can do to treat it. Simply being aware that your autistic child may have leaky gut syndrome will help you to better understand and improve his or her life.