Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome In Your Adolescent

As your child with Asperger's Syndrome (AS) progresses into their teen years the symptoms of AS can change as your child changes. If your child was diagnosed between the ages of 4 and 11 (which is typical) and received early intervention and therapy to help him/her to cope with the symptoms of AS your child by the time they reach the adolescent years have begun to be able to learn the social skills they previously lacked, and communication although still difficult is becoming easier. The teen with AS will have trouble "reading" others while in groups at school or in recreational situations such as on sports teams. The teen with AS may be shy or even intimidated to approach other teens for fear of being seen as different from others. It may be a frustrating experience to try to fit in when social situations are so difficult to handle. Teens with AS are often immature for their age, can be too trusting or naive, which can all lead to being bullied or teased by other peers. Not being able to conform will make th e teen with AS feel isolated and soon they will become withdrawn and at risk for anxiety and depression.

This inability to make friends is however not the rule as there is one exception: kids with AS are also very honest and sticklers for following rules, which makes them, model school, "citizens". They also do not typically follow fads or conventional thinking but rather they usually are creative thinkers and they will follow their own original interests or goals, which may make them popular with certain kids who are of like mind. They may have a few friends in those individuals who value creativity, and those who march to their own beat, and are rule followers.

Your teen may experience some of the saddest and most difficult years of his/her life during the years from 12 to 17 as they face intense peer pressure and strive to overcome being different. Typically the "Aspies" as they refer to themselves become more socially isolated during these teen years despite craving friendships. These school years are when they are bullied a lot making them feel more rejected and isolated. School also becomes more demanding academically and socially during these years. The symptoms of AS can make Aspies appear as if they are rude, odd, aloof, or loners. The teen with AS will not care as much about teen fads, clothing styles, and peer group concerns that drive other teens so this makes them feel even more different. It is also during the teen years that Aspies will neglect personal hygiene, and to be unaware of current fashions making them stick out even more from the rest of the more "normal" teens.

Sometimes the teen with AS will become "stuck" in childhood likes or hobbies such as Legos instead of advancing with the rest of the age group into teenage concerns such as dating.

The lack of street knowledge and dating behaviors makes Aspie teens susceptible to unintentional sexual interest because of lack of understanding of non-verbal communications. They can become victims of sexual harassment and even date rape.

Aspies in their teens can be lead to the drug and sex scene out of frustration and their overwhelming need to fit in. The middle school and high school years are filled with change and non-routine ways such as different teachers for each subject, changing classrooms for each subject, numerous distractions, elevated noise levels, and the potential for over stimulation.

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