Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Developmental Disorder Known as Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is a developmental disorder and is also in the category of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). It is a neurological condition that is characterized by impairment in language and communication skills, repetitive or restrictive patterns of thought and resultant behavior. There are some similarities between children with autism and children with AS though children with AS retain their early language skills.

One outstanding characteristic of someone with AS is the obsessive interest in a single subject to exclusion of others. A child with AS can be highly informed regarding this one topic and know little else of other topics so great is their obsession. They usually exhibit a high level of vocabulary usage, and formal speech patterns are like that of a little adult. They are known to have repetitive routines or rituals, and peculiarities in speech and language, are socially immature, emotionally inappropriate behavior-wise at times and are unable to interact successfully with peers. They have a great deal of difficulty dealing with non-verbal communications and their physical movement skills are uncoordinated making them appear to be clumsy. Their walking gait may be stilted or bouncy, awkward and poorly coordinated.

Prognosis and treatment of Asperger's Syndrome:

With early intervention a child with AS can undergo behavioral therapy, social training and can be encouraged to learn how to interact socially with peers. Desensitizing can be achieved through occupational therapy so that they can cope better with sensory stimuli such as light, sound and touch.

Adults who have gone through intervention in childhood can learn to cope with the signs and symptoms of AS and are able to find ways to have mainstream jobs, and are encouraged to seek normal relationships and maintain independent living.

Research in ongoing to find the causes and therefore better treatment for Asperger's Syndrome.

There are organizations set up to assist those with Asperger’s Syndrome including:

MAAP Services for Autism, Asperger’s, and PDD located in Indiana, USA that can be reached by going to their Website: and also the Autism Network International (ANI) which is located in New York, USA. They also have a Website that you can make contact with them through at:

Common symptoms of individuals with AS include difficulty dealing with social situations, difficulty with non-verbal communication especially the inability to recognize body language such as facial expressions, sensory overload, awkward posturing, and a tendency to take everything literally.

Children with Asperger’s Syndrome benefit greatly from early intervention and parents and caregivers should receive education and training regarding the disorder and how best to intervene on behalf of the child with AS. Occupational therapy is helpful in dealing with the sensory overload regarding light, sound and touch so that the child can be desensitized to these that otherwise would disrupt his or her ability to participate in activities.

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