Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome in Interpersonal Interactions

It is always said that individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome have a hard time with their interpersonal interactions. Do you know what this looks like?

* Eye contact is an essential part of interpersonal interactions, but for someone with Asperger’s Syndrome even the simple tasks of creating and maintaining eye contact is Herculean. * Attempting to create a healthy mix between staring and furtive glances, the individual dealing with Asperger’s Syndrome is unable to make sense of the subtle clues brought on by a conversation that signal to everyone else when it is time to look in the speaker’s eyes, when to express surprise with the eyes, and when to look away. * The tone of voice is another way that those with Asperger’s Syndrome sometimes showcase their inability to adequately comprehend the interactivity of the conversation. Usually not modulating their voice, it sometimes makes the speech of a person with Asperger’s Syndrome rather monotone. In addition, there is a good chance that the lack of inflection makes it hard for hearers to determine if the individual is done talking or still adding more facts. * Telling a joke is not something that you will hear from someone with Asperger’s Syndrome, unless it does not require a modulation of voice or any form of body language. Online, you will be surprised at the wit and sense of humor, but in person this is a lot harder. * Metaphors and other expressions add vibrancy to communication but they are hard won for a person with Asperger’s Syndrome. There are several good books that list many common metaphors but they do not help with the delivery of these word pictures. This leads to sometimes hearing someone use them and having it sound stilted. * Paying compliments is hard to do when metaphors escape do not make any sense. One might think that someone is using an odd phrase and then try it out on someone else; only to be told that what was just said is rude, nonsensical, or even suggestive.

These are but a few of the situations that the average individual with Asperger’s Syndrome has to weather. When encountered in the company of those with whom the individual feels at ease, it becomes a learning experience. Yet when correction is made by those whom the person does not know well or is easily embarrassed by, it might become a social nightmare for the individual, especially when she or he is still young.

Parents and caregivers are urged to role-play with their youngsters and to ensure that they understand certain nuances. While it is not possible to completely inoculate the youngster against the occasional mistakes that may result in laughter or sneers from peers, there is a good chance that early role playing games will make all the difference in future interactions the child will experience. In addition, it will also provide the save situation that enables the child to try out some metaphors, make first stab at humor, and even practice eye contact.

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